

If you don't want to read my whining, don't read this post. But I had to get it out somehow.
Anyway, I have a Young Women's activity tonight, and I need to go out and take pictures for my photography class, so obviously I don't have time to sit at home and do nothing. But of course my dad waltzes in and asks me "Are you okay to watch the kids?" to which I responded "No, I have a lot I need to do and can't have them around." And then he got mad at me, like it was my fault. If he wanted to order me around and force me to watch them, he should have just told me to do it, rather than ask if I could. I honestly answered that I couldn't. I don't see what's so wrong about that.
I want to blow up bunny rabbits. It might take off some of my stress and anger, because now, not only am I not able to do something fun tonight for an hour, but I won't get my homework done either. And it's all his fault.


Hey, Friends

Oh look. I got on to blog again. Aren't you so proud of me? No? Fine. I don't care. BLAH BLAH BLAH. MONKEYS. Oh, speaking of monkeys, have I mentioned how much I LOVE the Monkees? They are really fantastic. Only, I don't understand why everyone was in love with Davy Jones. Obviously, Mike and Peter are the most attractive and hilarious of the group. And Mickey has a great voice. So I don't know what the deal is with Davy. That's really all I have to say. The end.


Random Fun-ness!

Aha! I feel very clever at this particular moment. Want to know why? No? Well, I'm telling you anyway. Squid and I are going to have a party! 'twill be at Lundstrom park, and we will do fun and random things, and then we will go to my house and watch one of the old Star Wars movies. (Because the old ones are infinitely better, AND they have Harrison Ford in them, and he's hot.) And I am inviting many people, and I hope they all go, because it's always cooler if they all go. I wanted to play the "bubble gum in the pudding" game, but my mom won't let us because it is messy. :( But that's okay, because we're gonna do lots of randomly fun things, like Bigger or Better, which is a ball, and Ninja Destruction, and WOW I'm hyper. On a sad note, Winston hasn't communicated with me in a week, and it doth make me quite sad. Anyway, don't eat the cat, so long and thanks for all the fish, live long and prosper, etc, etc. Love you!



I am SO DEPRESSED!!!! And actually, I'm not entirely sure why. I'm quite frustrated. And, I'm kind of mad at Winston. Stupid Winston. I guess it's not his fault that he has no idea how much I miss him. I feel the need to knit something large. Something large and comforting. That would be fantastic. Maybe I will. My hands are dry. I should put lotion on them. Wouldn't that be clever of me? I guess that's all. Bye folks!


The Joys of Dry Socks.

Hello my good people! (oh heck yes, I now have 3 followers!!!) And this picture actually looks something like me. I have just returned from Trek. It was great, and Martin's cove was beautiful. Except for my person (Sarah Jane Wilkinson, aged 7) died in Iowa City. I didn't make it to Martin's Cove. It's okay though, because it is my theory that Sarah Jane was one of the angels who helped those poor, tired, starving pioneers push their handcarts when they couldn't anymore. Martin's Cove is amazing. It's so peaceful, and sad, and inspirational all at the same time. My favorite place though, was Rock Creek Hollow. Rock Creek Hollow was the place right after Rocky Ridge, and the Spirit is so strong there, it's amazing. The unnamed graves were so sweet. I liked the sweet pioneer stories. Although, I have to say, our little experience was barely even a taste of what the pioneers had to go through. I just have to say, I am thankful that my ancestors did that for me, so that I can be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today. Ok. Seriously though, on one of the hikes, we had to walk through knee deep mud, and nobody brought extra shoes, and so be grateful that there are such things as dry, clean socks. I mean it. You don't know until it's happened to you. Just trust me on this one. I got a mosquito bite on my lip. (Wyoming mosquitoes don't care if you're wearing bug spray or not, they'll bit you anyway. Many times in a row.) It swelled and got numb. It was okay though. Things that made me happy today:
  • I got to come home from Trek and shower
  • Testimony meeting
  • Thinking about my ancestors
  • Cookies
  • Lindhardt
  • COOKIES!!!



You'd think that, by the title of this post, I'd be talking about snorkeling. But in fact, you'd be wrong. I am actually talking about how I am going on Trek tomorrow at 5:15 AM, and will not be back until between 9:00 and 10:00 PM on Saturday. I'm not excited about Trek anymore, mainly because I remembered that I hate camping and nature and walking and stuff. And also, my family does not consist of very many people that I am fond of, and Kathy's brother is in my family, and he hates me for no apparent reason. That, and my stake is actually full of mostly very snobbish people. Sorry to be such a pessimist. <3 you all... which right now is really just Jeli, but I love you Jeli! Things that made me happy today:
  • I bought two really cute jackets, one polar fleece, and one a hoodie
  • I slept for six hours this afternoon
  • Lindhardt's new hair is kind of funny... Sorry Lindhardt, but it's true.


Writer's block

I HATE writer's block. It is possibly the worst sensation I have ever felt. It's like, you're whizzing along, creating another world, unfolding the events of a person's life, and then WHAM!!! you hit a brick wall. And those things hurt if you hit them hard enough. I've started so many novels, and they all end up in the same place... on my writer's block shelf. I want to finish one!